What is discipling? How hard is it? How and where do I find the right person? How do I discple someone? All these answered and more with pleanty of biblical direction.
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Making Disciples
Let to David Platt ask you a very important question. A question that led to the making of this website.
Disciple Making
“You get out what you put in.”
-Every disciple maker ever
Discipling with God's Word
David Platt explains the importance of discliping using God's word as your primary method.
Disciple Making
“Teaching isn’t telling…
learning isn’t listening.”
-Howard Hendricks
Disciple Making
In this book "Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Jesus", Pastor & author Mark Dever explains the basics of effective discpling.
Disciple making
“Discipleship is more of an identity than a program.”
[paraphrased] -Preston Sprinkle
Disciple making
There are three parts of discipleship. “There is my part (the disciple maker), their part, and the Lord's part. I can't do their part, and I cannot do the Lord's part. I am responsible only for my part.”
-Jim Putman
Discipleship Training Exit Survey
Have you finished all the training available here? Feel like you're ready to make a new disciple of Jesus? Take this short survey to measure your growth as a disciple of Jesus.
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