Some of us would like to believe that evangelism is just a thing for pastors or missionaries. However, when you examine the scriptures, and Jesus’ teachings, it’s very clear this for every believer.
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“Evangelism is just one beggar
telling another beggar where to
find bread.” – D. T. Niles
3 Circles Evangelism Tool
Watch Troy Cooper's training session on using the 3 Circles illustration. Memorize this & practice sharing using your testimony in under 2min.
My Testimony Worksheet
Your testimony is much more than just your life story. To share your testimoney in an impactful way without missing anything, use the 3 circles evangelism tool and write out each section of your conversion by step. When finished, try consolidating these points into a paragraph form on the back of the paper & practice sharing!
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Evangelism Oikos Mapping
Watch this video on Oikos mapping. Create your own Oikos map that includes the places, groups, and people in your life. After creating the map, save the names and pray for their salvation daily/weekly.
Transitioning to the Gospel
So you’re ready to share the gospel, but you can NEVER find the right time to share it? With practice and repetition with transitions like these, you can be confident in getting to the gospel.
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Why aren't we sharing this gospel? This exercise explores 3 common blocks. Identify your blocks and pray for them daily!
“If I have only an hour with someone, I will spend the first 55 minutes asking questions and finding out what is troubling their heart and mind, and then in the last 5 minutes I will share something of the truth.” - Francis Schaeffer
David Platt shows us how every member is a disciple maker.
Listen to David platt explain the urgency of disciple making as he asks the challenging question, "have you made a disciple?"
"Winners of souls must first be weepers for souls."
Unreached People Groups
Watch David Platt cast vision to seek out unreached people groups and to keep focus on eternity.
“It’s a common missunderstanding that extraverts are better at evangelism. Exterverts tend to win people to themselves and their great talking, while introverts tend to listen better and ask good questions.” - Jeff Vanderstelt
Unreached People Groups
Listen to David Platt define what "unreached" really means, and why this is important.
"Every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter.”
- Charles H. Spurgeon
David Platt shows us that the motivation for reaching the lost is bringing God glory.
The Joshua Project
Track the progress of the great commision as it reaches every nation, tribe, people and language. Learn about un-reached people groups and how you can reach them!
Ravi Zacharias Ministries
An incredible group of appologetic scholars and speakers that speak up for the defense of the gospel. Helping the thinker believe and helping the believer think.
CS Lewis
Perhaps the most genius author and appologetic scholar. Watch CS Lewis illustrated doodles, or check out one of his many amazing books.
Further resources for Jehovah's Witnesses
Check out C.A.R.M for a thorough list of videos & appologetic articles or Blue Letter Bible for a quick scripture guide.
Further resources for Catholicism
Listen to John MacArthur's sermon series on understanding catholicism.
Listen to David Platt address the common theory, "all religions lead to the same place."
Sharing with Muslims
Listen first hand from a devout Muslim in his spiritual journey towards discovering the truth of Jesus. "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus".
World Religions
Watch Secret Church 16: "A GLOBAL GOSPEL IN A WORLD OF RELIGIONS". This conference will teach you about other religions and how to share the gospel with them.
World Religions 101
Learn the basics about popular world religions and strategize on how to share the gospel with them. Each one is unique and worth studying prior to outreach.
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Also check out this more in-depth booklet from Secret Church,
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Watch Tim Keller speak to skeptics and atheists at Google about the reason for God. This 1hr video is a short synopsis on his book.
In "The Reason for God", Tim Keller provides a gentle and convincing intellectual and philosophical argument for God. This is a great read for skeptics and is great to hand out as a resource.
Jehovah's Witness
Watch this short clip highlighting the basic beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses.
"My premise is that the popular aphorism that 'all religions are fundamentally the same and only superficially different' simply is not true. It is more correct to say that all religions are, at best, superficially similar but fundamentally different.”
- Ravi Zacharias