Church Membership
Listen to Matt Chandler discuss Church Membership.
Being the Church
Listen to David Platt discuss the church and the great commission.
Church History
Read the book "Christian History Made Easy" or watch the
twelve 30min sessions on DVD.
As you read or watch, ⬇ Download questions for each chapter.
Recommended Reading
Read "Church Membership: How the World Knows Who Represents Jesus" by Jonathan Leeman.
Church Membership
"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
― Jim Rohn
Spiritual Gifts
If you don't yet know your spiritual giftings, take this easy online quiz. Are you serving your local church? If not, find a way to start serving using your gifts!
Church History
Watch this great movie about Martin Luther and the protestant reformation. Not only is this a great movie, it's a pretty accurate way to visualize why these events took place. Great for watching alongside your reading in church history.
Also available in the iTunes store.
Church Accountability
Learn what the Bible has to say about judging others and church accountability.
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Watch John MacArthur address the popularly quoted "Judge Not" Mathew 7:1 passage.
There are so many different opinons and feelings towards giving. Let's look at what scripture has to say!
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Watch Francis Chan explain our western misunderstandings about the weatlh we already have.
Listen to JD Grear discuss being an owner vs. a steward of your possessions.
Listen to David Platt discuss the ludicracy of our investing in the temporal world.