What is Discipleship?
Using scripture, dive in together to learn what Jesus means when he says "discipleship".
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Teachings of Jesus
As followers of Christ, we should know Jesus and his teachings. This helpful chart topically organizes all of Jesus' teachings to better know what he has to say, and what matters most to him. You'll need to download and zoom in/out to legibly view this chart.
Commands of Christ
In the great commision, Christ calls us to "[teach] them to observe all that I have commanded you." How can we teach and observe without knowing Christs commands? Using this categorized chart, memorize Christ's commands together.
What is a Disciple?
Watch John Mark Comer's 2 part explanation on what it means to be a disciple.
Many of us find ourselves identifying with our mouths as Christians, but practicly living as atheists. Watch LifeChurch pastor Craig Groeschel go into 4 ways we can live as practical atheists.
Watch it here
Listen to this powerful snippet about "Add-on Christianity" from pastor John Piper.
Watch Francis Chan explain obedient discipleship through this memorable illustration of telling his daughter to go clean her room.
How important is it to repent? Scripture has a lot to say so let's take a look!
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Listen to JD Greear explain about how we choose to follow God only when we know the details.
Listen again to JD Greear reveal how we tend to fail to surrender everything to Christ.
Listen to David Platt answer the question for Christians, "How radical is too Radical?"
Listen to pastor and author John Macarthur answer the same concerns about the word "radical".
In his book "Follow Me", David Platt contends that multitudes of people around the world culturally think they are Christians yet biblically are not followers of Christ.
The Kingdom of God
Listen to this snippet about how in the Kingdom everything is upside down
Tthe Kingdom of God
Think of Jesus' call to surrender our lives as disciples symbolically by writing a blank check (Luke 14:33). Go ahead! Print this image out and write the blank check to Jesus. On the back of the check, write down things that are holding you back from following Him. Pray that Jesus will save you from these idols.
⬇ Download multiple checks
⬇ Download single check
AppLock for Android
The first step towards repentance is "plucking out your eye" (Mat 5:29). This is the best app for locking things down on your android phone.
Covenant Eyes
The best option for accountability software for Windows and Mac computers. Share browsing reports with accountability partners.
Motivation For Men
An exceptional and simple purity reading plan on the Bible app.
Fortify Program
An excellent secular purity progam with video lessons, strategies, and a calendar tracker.
Desiring God Sermons
Intentially be filling your ears with scripture and sermons like these from pastor John Piper on sexual purity.